Master of the Household

The Master of the Household is the operational head of the "below stairs" elements of the Royal Household of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom. He has charge of the domestic staff, from the Royal Kitchens, the pages and footmen, to the Housekeeper and her staff.

Since 2004 the Office of the Prince of Wales has included a Master of the Household.


List of Masters of the Household

List of Deputy Masters of the Household

The Staff

The Master of the Household
      |                |
 Deputy Master      Master's Secretary
      |                       |                                     |
      |        Lady Clerk to the Deputy Master                 Chief Clerk                                                              
      |                                                             |                                                         
      |-------------------------                          Queen's Flag Sergeant
      |                        |
      |             Assistant to the Master(Food)
      |                        |
      |                ----------------------------------------------
      |                |                                            |
      |   Deputy Assistant Master (Food)           Lady Clerk to the Assistant Master (Food)
      |                |
      |   Catering Office Administrator
      |                |
      |           Senior Clerk
      |                |
      |              Clerk
      |                |
      |          --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      |          |                      |                   |             |               |
      |     Royal Chef        Head Coffee Room Maid    Dining Room     Canteen         Senior
      |          |                      |               Supervisor    Supervisor      Storeman
      |   Senior Sous Chef          Deputy Head             |             |               |
      |          |               Coffee Room Maid         Senior       Canteen        Storemen
      |   Pastry Sous Chef              |              Dining Room    Assistants
      |          |               Coffee Room Maids      Assistants        |
      |      Sous Chef                                      |        Daily Ladies
      |          |                                     Dining Room
      |    Senior Cooks                                 Assistants
      |          |                                          |
      |        Cooks                                     Wash-up
      |          |                                      Assistants
      |     Apprentices
      |          |
      |   Kitchen Porters
      |                        |
      |          Assistant to the Master (General)
      |                        |
      |        ---------------------------------------
      |        |                                     |
      |        |                     Lady Clerk to the Assistant Master (General)
      |        |                                     |                          
      |        |-------------------------            |---- Royal Florist   
      |        |                        |            |
      |        |                  Palace Foreman     |---- Senior Clerk
      |        |                        |                     |
      |        |       -----------------|                 ---------------------
      |        |       |                |                 |        |          |
      |        |       |         Palace    Fendersmith  Clerk   Basement    Night
      |        |       |       Attendants                       Cleaners  Patrolmen
      |        |       |
      |        |       |-----------------------------------------------------------------
      |        |       |              |            |           |           |            |
      |        |     French        Carpet      Locksmith    Gilders     Cabinet   Upholsterers
      |        |    Polisher      Planners                              Makers
      |        |
      |   Palace Steward
      |        |
      |        ---------------------------------------
      |        |                                     |
      |   Page of the                  Yeoman of the Royal Pantries
      |     Chambers                                  |
      |        |             --------------------------------------------------
      |        |             |                       |                        |
      |        |      Assistant Yeoman      Assistant Yeoman      Assistant Yeoman                                
      |        |      of the Plate Pantry    of Windsor Castle   of the Glass & China Pantry
      |        |             |                                                |
      |        |        Underbutlers                                    Underbutlers
      |        |
      |        |------------------------------------------------------------------
      |        |              |                |                                 |
      |    Deputy Page    Pages of the  Yeoman of the                  Travelling Yeoman
      |  of the Chamber   Backstairs     Royal Cellars                           |
      |        |                               |            -------------------------------
      |        |------------               Assistant        |                          |
      |        |           |               Yeoman      Sergeant               Luggage Porters    
      |   Pages of the  Queen's                |          Footman
      |     Presence     Piper           Underbutlers       |
      |                                                   Deputy
      |------------------------------------              Sergeant
      |        |                          |               Footman
      |   Superintendent           Superintendent           |
      |  of Windsor Castle        of Holyroodhouse          |--------------
      |        |                          |                 |             |
      |    Assistant           Office & Security Staff    Footmen    Livery Porters
      |  Superintendent
      |        |
      |   Office Staff
Chief Housekeeper
      |                  |                 |                 |                     |
    Deputy          Housekeeper of    Housekeeper of    Housekeeper of      Housekeeper of
 Housekeeper of    Windsor Castle    Holyroodhouse   Sandringham House     Balmoral Castle
Buckingham Palace        |                 |                 |                     |
      |              Housemaids        Housemaids       Housemaids            Housemaids
